Gxrh misquote

We use a lot of quotes in every day life. Some are from movies, others great literature, and some are heard repeated and then like the game of telephone they are repeated again but incorrectly. Let’s look at some that, when you hear the whole quote it completely changes the meaning.

This one goes from welcome message to backhanded insult.

“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness” Charles Colton 1820. This quote is usually misattributed to Oscar Wilde and also almost always drops everything after the word flattery. As you can see if goes from almost compliment to definite insult.

Often used to denigrate someone with a wide skill set.

“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but often times better than a master of one.” William Shakespeare. Once again it flips the script. The oft quoted version stops at the word none leaving us to think being a jack of all trades is bad when the actual intent is to praise the multi-talented person in question.

This one is my favorite quote that’s misused the most.

It’s also argued what the original quote even is. “The customer is always right in matters of taste.” is one version. There is also “The customer is always right.” and lastly, “Assume that the customer is right until it is plain beyond all question that he is not.” Three very distinct statements that aren’t saying the exact same thing. I personally prefer the last version. Especially with the rise of the Karen phenomenon and the number of people who lie regularly to cheat the system.

What are some that I missed?

Do you have any favorites? Share them in the comments below!

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