Pixii max black

Like many photography enthusiasts I suffer from Gear Acquisition Syndrome, otherwise known as GAS. I recently changed all my camera equipment to L-Mount cameras and lenses with the Lumix S9 and the Leica SL2. Now I have a “need” for an M-Mount camera.

Why do I need an M-Mount camera?

It’s a really good question that I don’t have the answer to. Which usually means I don’t need it at all, but that’s not important to the situation. My brain has decided that I need an M-Mount camera so now I need one. That’s where the Pixii Max comes in. It’s a full frame 24 megapixel range finder camera with no rear screen. More importantly it’s under 5K brand new compared to 9-11K for an M11 Leica.

For a short term fix I do have an L-Mount lens adapter coming to use M-Mount lenses on my current cameras. I’m hoping that eases some of my desire for another camera.

What is the Pixii Max?

Pixii SAS is a French company who decided a few years ago to build an all new camera using non-standard electronics. For example the camera has internal memory, uses a 64-bit ARM processor and allows you to upgrade your camera if newer options come out. It’s also a Rangefinder, has no LED screen, and only allows for manual focus. In short it’s as quirky as a Leica plus a couple eccentricities.

The Pixii Max isn’t new on the scene anymore it’s almost a year old. So this article may not be news to you as you read this. This is more about my “need” for an M-Mount camera at a lower cost than a new Leica.

Do you suffer from G.A.S?

What’s your current must have piece of gear? Do you collect bag, camera straps, lenses?

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